Transport Fees


Route Area / Description Termly Fees

Pick or drop.

(Two way)


Termly Fees

Pick or drop.

(One way)


Route A  (Areas around the school), St Stephen’s C.O.U, Kaggo trading centre, Benha Petrol Station 190,000 120,000
Route B  (Wattuba, around Dr. Sowedi’s hospital Place, wattido) 220,000 150,000
Route C (Kawanda, Kirinyabigo  Wabittembe  Kikajjo, Namalere) 290,000 180,000
Route D (Kiteezi, Kitti, Kitagobwa , Matugga) 310,000 200,000
Route E Buwambo , Katalemwa, Katade 340,000 220,000

Please note the following

  1. City Icon school reserves the right to change routes / modify fees depending on uncertain economic circumstances that may affect fuel pump prices.
  2. The school will not pick/drop the child / children unless the transport fee is fully paid.
  3. The school reserves the right to ban a pupil from the bus at any time for misconduct.
  4. The school may designate van stops for some areas if the road becomes impassable due to rainy weather or construction works or poor state of the roads.
  5. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure there is someone to meet the pupil at home or at the designated pickup station unless permission has been given for the child to leave the van unaccompanied or left at home alone. If a pupil is not met by the van, he/she will be taken back to school and a charge of 10,000 Ugx per hour will be charged.

Bus/Van Service Enrolment Form 2024

I would like my child/children to travel on the City Icon Van service from ………………………………………………

Starting Date:…………………………………….

Child’s name ………………………………………… ………………….. Class ……………..

Child’s name ………………………………………… ………………….. Class…………….

Child’s name ………………………………………… ………………….. Class ……………..

Residential Address: …………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Telephone contact – Home: …………………. Alternative Emergency No: ……………………………

Mother’s Phone Number: ………… …….. Mother’s Work Phone Number: ………………………

Father’s Phone Number: ……….………. Father’s Work: Phone Number ……………………….

Mother’s Email ………………………………………………………………………….

Father’s Email: ………………………………………………………………………….

Please select one of the following:

I give authorization for my child/children to leave the van at   the designated stop without being met or be left at home alone.

I only want my child/children to be allowed to leave the van   if I, or my authorized representative, are present at home or designated stop.

I agree to my child/children being taken back to wait at school with the driver if he/she is not met.

The person meeting my child/children will be ………………………….…………………… or………………………………………………….. or ……………………………………………

Contact number for person meeting my child/children if not a parent/guardian: Tel: ……………………………. I have read the terms and conditions for the use of this service and agree to them.

Name (Parent/Guardian) ……………………………… Signature …………………………………


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